Cyber Security
Cyber Security
What does a Cyber security test look like?
As an example of a security assessment methodology you could follow this 3-stepped approach.
Charlotte Walker
30 June 2021
Cyber Security
Blaming the Intern
Typical of this industry is that it’s always someone else’s fault, even though they have taken the money to protect a very sensitive environment and have failed to do that.
Mark Walker
5 June 2021
Cyber Security
Would you pay hackers if your business was held, hostage?
The FBI discourages organisations from paying ransom to hackers, saying there is no guarantee they will follow through on promises to unlock files.
Mark Walker
1 June 2021
Cyber Security
Tech Issues: Controversies from 2019 and still on the go
Even the anti-hacking companies get hacked.. What chance do the rest of us have?
Charlotte Walker
11 February 2020