Author: Charlotte Walker
This author has written 6 articles
Cyber Security
What does a Cyber security test look like?
As an example of a security assessment methodology you could follow this 3-stepped approach.
Charlotte Walker
30 June 2021
IT Industry
What incorrect assumption do most IT service providers keep making?
They’re as happy to see an IT service professional as you are to see your dentist when you have a broken tooth.
Charlotte Walker
25 June 2021
Corporate Responsibility
Child Labour in the Electronics Industry
Solange digs by hand for a dull black metallic ore called Coltan in the mines of the Eastern Congo. This stone contains an essential metal
Charlotte Walker
23 June 2021
IT Industry
Are Corporate CIOs and IT professionals wearing too many hats?
This is a legitimate question as I work alongside my corporate colleagues; who seem to be stretched more than ever across their businesses.
Charlotte Walker
1 June 2021
Success in Business
10 ways to LOOK CONFIDENT even when you don’t feel it!
After months of wearing elastic waist pants and working from home, I was a bit nervous just before I recently attended an important business meeting.
Charlotte Walker
30 May 2021
Cyber Security
Tech Issues: Controversies from 2019 and still on the go
Even the anti-hacking companies get hacked.. What chance do the rest of us have?
Charlotte Walker
11 February 2020