10 ways to LOOK CONFIDENT even when you don’t feel it!

You are currently viewing 10 ways to LOOK CONFIDENT even when you don’t feel it!

After months of wearing elastic waist pants and working from home, I was a bit nervous just before I recently attended an important business meeting.

It surprised me because I have every confidence in my business, DEC, and our offering, and I genuinely love sales and meeting prospective clients.

My nervousness was purely due to being out of practice; it reminded me that confidence is a skill that you have to update continually.

So, I dug out my old Tony Robbins books, and the tips were so good I thought I would share them here for anyone else out of practice due to COVID.

How to look confident even if you don’t feel it:
1) Align your shoulders
2) Curb the fidgeting
3) Steeple your hands (have them in a point)
4) Make eye contact
5) Have a firm handshake
6) Walk with ease
7) Create confidence-building habits
8) Master your emotions
9) Address your limiting beliefs
10) Model someone else

These are such great things to practice, and the only thing I would add for me is wearing something that makes me feel great, hence my recent shopping expedition!

I would love to hear how do you practice confidence?

Charlotte Walker

I'm the National Account Manager and CEO-in-waiting for Digital Engineering Corporation (DEC). We help business leaders and IT managers reduce their IT maintenance costs and achieve their business goals because our approach is pre-emptive, predictable and purposeful. As an entrepreneur myself, I know consistent and predictable network uptime contributes to a business's bottom line, brand recognition, and market reputation.